Game Tekken 3 For Pc

Tekken Six pc game Firstly Released For PC Edition By Namco Bandai Company of Tekken Series games, The game is one of the Most Played and Like Appropriated PC Game. By All The games Around the Globe This game and its all series like tekken 4 pc game download free and tekken 5 Later on Released tekken 6 have a unique and impressive Graphics in it. Play now Tekken 3 online on Have fun playing Tekken 3 One of the best Action Game on

Download Tekken 3 for PC: The third installment of the series of Tekken game is Tekken 3 for PC, which is all time favorite of all gamer around the world. Tekken 3 for PC maintains the same fighting system as in its previous version. But a lot of improvements are made in this game such enhance the graphics quality, level of animation, and fifteen new characters are added. Better the music theme. Faster the fluid of the game. Tekken 3 for PC now added the third angle. Martial art actions are also added in this game. All your favorite characters are back with a lot of improvement in their fighting skills and tactics.

  • Tekken 3 PC Game0 'Tekken Force0 The name presents its beat-up scaled down game, which matches players against foes at various stages by looking over on a level plane. This idea was formed into a small game for Takeken 4 and supplanted demon internal crusade mode in Tekken 5.
  • Tekken 3 Game Free Download for PC Setup in one single click which is easy to download and install on your PC. It is a great action game. It is a great action game. Tekken 3 laptop sport is broadly seemed as one of the exceptional video games of its type, and all of the time.
  • Tekken 3 For PC game is considered one of the ultimate and greatest fighting game of all time. This game features mainly 21 characters. This game is available in numerous platforms like play station 2, 3, PC and even Android. Tekken 3 is a cool game which has numerous fighting scenes.

Now it is a time for you to pick controller in your hand and start playing this game. Because it is the world best fighting game of this date. For those gamer who already know about this series. Tekken 3 for PC doesn’t disappoint you.

  • The beauty of the game is characters talk to each other.
  • All the characters have unique qualities and skills and acquire their unique fighting style.
  • Tekken 3 for PC includes so many old characters with addition to many new characters with their special moves.
  • In this game all characters are unlocked, you just need to pick one own your own choice.
  • With the addition of more than 10 new characters in Tekken 3 for PC, the level of the game is really up.
  • The player has to defeat many enemies to go to the next level.
  • One of the biggest improvements in Tekken 3 for PC, is about the movement of characters. Now characters can also move from back to front. So this feature is used to avoid the attack of the opponent.
  • Health meter is also added to show about the health status of both players during the battle.
  • The quality of jumping of the characters is also high for a better attack.

The best part of the Tekken 3 for PC is the quality of the speed of the game at which you play. The command is instantly moved from your finger to the mind of the characters and follow the command immediately. There is no time gap between the actual execution and your move.

The quality of the graphics is superb. The developer of the Tekken 3 for PC match the graphics with arcade level game. They managed to give their gamer with best quality graphics with no add on are required for better graphics. The movement of all the characters looks totally natural. The reaction of the character is realistic.

Matches: At the point when a character is assaulted, their health meter goes down. In the event that you beat on a rival until their health meter goes down to 0, at that point you win that round. You can likewise clear the phases by acquiring a set number of focuses in a round.

Time Limit: There is fix time for every round. At the time of round completed health meter decided which one is winning. By default, time for one round is 40 seconds. But you can also change this time duration in setting option.

Draws: In case when both players have the same value at the end of the round. Both players are awarded as winning the title.

Free Download Game Tekken 3 For Pc

Continue: In the arcade mode of the game. If you lose the game, then the game is over. But by pressing the start button, you can again start the game from you lose. And you also change the character.

The mode of the game Tekken 3 for PC is giving as, through which you can really enjoy its every mode.

Survival Mode: In this mode, you can defeat all your opponent in single health meter value.

Vs Mode: In this mode two player fight with each other.

Arcade Mode: In this mode, you can beat all the characters to expect your chosen one in order to win the game.

Team Battle Mode: In this mode, you can fight in the form of a team member. Your selected team will fight with computer selected team.

Time Attack Mode: In this, you beat your opponent in giving time duration, and eat all characters in the same pattern in order to win the game.

Tekken Force Mode: In this mode of the game, you have to fight against the Computer generated Tekken Force in different areas and places.

Practice Mode: In this mode, you can train your characters about how they need to fight in order to defeat other characters.

  • Video card minimum of 16MB
  • Space in Hard Disk 100MB
  • CPU Minimum Pentium 3
  • Processor 266 MHz
  • Minimum RAM requirement is 128MB
  • Support all Operating System Window XP/ Vista/7
  • Sound Card

Download Game Tekken 3 For Pc Windows 7

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The Tekken series is quite an old fighting series and we have seen the evolution of the game from the 1990s till date. And to be honest, the game has come a long long way. Tekken 3 is one such game that came on play station back in 1998 but today you can get the game on your Android phone with the help of highly compressed iso file.

Not only this, you can also get Tekken 3 game download file for PC by downloading it from any other site. The setup file of the game is usually free even for the free version and is available in both 32 bit and 64 bit. The game can run on different Windows operating software including windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10.The best thing is that our tekken 3 iso contains all characters and with endings as well.We will provide cheats code list as well on our this tekken blog and this is not last we will provide all king combos and other characters special combos as well.But the bad news is this you can not play Tekken 3 game online.


Taken 3 Game Download For Windows 10

Game Tekken 3 For Pc

Tekken 3 Game Download Overview

The game had quite a few new characters as there was major revamp in order to keep this particular thing alive and kicking. There were different modes available in the game including the home version with modes like Tekken Ball and Tekken Force. Tekken 3 Game turned out to be quite a popular game with the sale of more than 8.5 million. Even on Play Station 4, the sales of this game were the fourth-best which is a big number. With different arcades and tournament matches, the game has got the interest of everyone and also because there have been some serious changes to the previous editions of the game without any concern.

The game play of Tekken 3 Online revolves around the fight against the system as it has been the case in the past as well. There are certain limitations as well in the game play of Tekken 3 with fighters jumping to a less extent as compared to what we saw in the previous versions of the game. The beat em up mini-game is also known as Tekken Force has been introduced in this particular where you can fight against enemies in a different fashion. This thing can happen until the player is able to defeat Mr. Bosconovitch as he becomes the character after defeat as well. This particular thing was then used in other versions of the game as well as it was mighty effective. Tekken 4 and Tekken 5 had similar things just like Tekken 3 Download.

What is Included In Tekken 3 For Pc

The game story is quite long in this particular edition hence the involvement of 8 old players was required by the company from the two previous versions of the game. Some of the names that are included in the list include Anna Williams, Lei Wulong, Nina Williams, Yoshimitsu, and others. Apart from the 8 old characters that are being used in this game, there are 15 new characters as well so that they may be able to complete the long game play part. Some of the important new characters that you will find out in Tekken 3 For Pc include Bryan Fury, Eddy Gordo, Forest Law, Michelle Chang, Jin Kazama and others.

Ogre serves as the final boss in this particular game where Ogre is responsible for disappearances of different artists all over the world. The game comes to an end if you are able to beat Ogre in a battle which is not an easy task. You might fail again and again but you may just end up doing it. There is also another thing to note that the Play Station version of the game made by the company had Anna separate from Nina as it was fully playable. The introduction of the new characters gave new life to the action-packed series which it had been lacking for quite some time now.

Free Tekken 3 Game Download For Pc

In the game, a Tekken force has been established in order to protect Mishima Zaibatsu. The game runs around in Mexico as well as Heihachi is responsible for creating peace in the world but that is not what many people want. The final round of the tournament takes place as Paul Phoenix comes down to the large temple and takes on Ogre and defeats it. but that is not the end as Ogre morphs himself into another form with another tournament continuing between the two. Jin Kazama then confronts True Ogre and this time the warrior is defeated and that too after dissolving thus making sure that there is no chance of coming back again. There are different developments to the game including motion captures.

The game has been a hit just like the other Tekken series that have come before this game or either after this game. The overall Tekken series evolved during the last decade a people are now getting more and more chance to play these amazing games of the action-packed series called the Tekken series.

Tekken 3 Game Download Free For PC

So the 100% working link of tekken 3 game is given below to download you can enjoy it.It is tested and working setup of the tekken 3 game.