Memory Pegs Silva Method

Pegging Memory System A unique method for remembering numbered items

Peg memory system for polygon shapes. In this video, I will introduce the Peg memory system in order to memorize the names of polygons. The peg system helps. The Memory Peg System is used to enhance creativity, better memory and quick thinking. The Method of Loci is an alternate mnemonic system that also supports recall ability. The Three Fingers Technique is used for learning and effective test-taking. These learning tools.

Taught in this book. The two major memory systems in this book are the Link Method of Memory and the Peg System of Memory. There is also the system of substitute words or substitute thoughts, which can be used in tandem with either or both of the two previously mentioned systems. The Link Method of Memory The Link Method is a system that works.

Pegging Memory System A unique method for remembering numbered items. A peg memory system is useful for memorising a list of numbered items. The peg is a hook on which we hang the number. You can use any kind of peg system as long as it is easy to remember and used consistently. There are two ways you can improve your memory using the Silva method. The slow one and the fast one. To use the fast technique, you have to create a special mind tool and practice with it. We will see it in a while.

A peg memory system is useful for memorising a list of numbered items. The peg is a hook on which we hang the number. You can use any kind of peg system as long as it is easy to remember and used consistently.

This is a rhyming peg system:

  • 1 (one) = sun;
  • 2 (two) = glue;
  • 3(three) = knee;
  • 4 (four) = door;
  • 5 (five) = hive;
  • 6 (six) = sticks;
  • 7 (seven) = heaven;
  • 8 (eight) = gate;
  • 9 (nine) = vine;
  • 0 (nought) = wart.

Let's say we want to remember a phone number: 302187. In the above system, this is 'knee', 'wart', 'glue', 'sun', 'gate', and 'heaven'.

All you need to do now is make up a crazy, silly and exaggerated story.

For example: 'I drew the number on my knee all around a wart. Next I put some glue on it to keep it in place. Suddenly the sun came out, so I went out the gate and found myself in heaven.'

Memory Pegs Silva Method

It seems like hard work to begin with ('hey, why don't I just write it down?').


But, if you get good at this, you too could end up like Derren Brown, hosting your own shows as this is exactly the system he uses to remember entire directories. OK, maybe not!

Alphabet systems are typically used as a type of Mnemonic Peg System to memorize lists of up to 26 items in order. If you are looking to create images for letters, see the Images for English Letters page and the images for the NATO Phonetic Alphabet page.

Memory pegs silva method guitar
  • 1Alphabet Peg System

Alphabet Peg System

With an alphabet Peg List system, each letter is associated with something that can be remembered (a Mnemonic). You can then remember a list of up to 26 items by associating each item with one of the alphabet pegs.

Example: If your first three alphabet pegs are: A = ant, B = baboon and C = cat, and the things you want to remember are the items bread, milk, and peanut butter from your shopping list, you can associate the images:

  • imagine ants crawling over bread
  • imagine a baboon drinking milk
  • imagine a cat rolling around in your peanut butter

Then when you are at the supermarket, you can go through your alphabet pegs to recall your shopping list items.

You can make more than one set of alphabet pegs. Some methods are listed below.

First Letter Method

This method involves making a list of 26 things that start with each letter of the alphabet.

Here is an example using animals:

  • A = ant
  • B = baboon
  • C = cat
  • D = dog
  • E = elephant
  • Etc.

Here is an example using food:

  • A = apple
  • B = banana
  • C = carrot
  • D = dates
  • E = escargot
  • Etc.

Here is an example using objects:

  • A = ark
  • B = balloon
  • C = car
  • D = door
  • E = earring
  • Etc.

Here is an example using names of people:

Memory Pegs Silva Method Overriding

  • A = Andrew
  • B = Betty
  • C = Charlie
  • D = David
  • E = Edward
  • Etc.

Letter Sound Method

Some people recommend making the pegs start with the same sound as the letter.[1]

Here are some examples:

  • A = ace or ape
  • B = bee or bean
  • C = seed or sea (because 'c' is the first sound of 'sea')
  • D = deed
  • E = easel
  • Etc.

Letter Shape Method

Memory pegs silva method guitar

You can also build alphabet pegs based on the shape of each letter. Here are some examples:[2]

Memory Pegs Silva Method Tutorial

  • A = geometric compass
  • B = brassiere
  • C = banana
  • D = crescent moon
  • E = comb
  • F = scythe
  • G = sickle
  • H = chimney pot
  • I = candle
  • J = hockey stick
  • K = sign post
  • L = L-square
  • M = fedora
  • N = crank handle
  • O = doughnut
  • P = sword with hilt
  • Q = hoop and stick
  • R = pincers
  • S = snake
  • T = sledgehammer
  • U = horseshoe
  • V = hand fan
  • W = badminton birdie
  • X = diabolo
  • Y = martini glass
  • Z = folding ruler

Memory Pegs Silva Method Guitar


Memory Pegs Silva Method For Beginners

  1. Use Your Perfect Memory, 3rd Edition, by Tony Buzan
  2. Alphabet Systems
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