Nightmare Creatures 2 Characters

Nightmare Creatures II is a survival horror video game developed by Kalisto Entertainment and published by Konami for the PlayStation and Dreamcast.It is the sequel to Nightmare Creatures. Trivia On December 24, 2002, Nightmare Creatures II (PSX) was put on the infamous German index by the BPjS. For more information about what this means and to see a list of games sharing the same fate, take a look here: BPjS/BPjM indexed games.

  1. Nightmare Creatures 2 Characters Villains
  2. Nightmare Creatures 2 Review
  3. Nightmare Creatures 2 Rom
An Oakheart.

Nightmare Creatures 2 Characters Villains

Treants are tree-like creatures that are known to mash up animals they encounter and use the remains as fertilizer for their young. Treants look different depending on the region they are in, having features of the native plants. Certain treants can be seen embedded in the ground as they're still growing, though most are mobile and unattached to the ground.[verification requested] They are capable of creating roots, despite having none themselves, and are able to influence the plantlife around them.

Some treants, mainly in sylvari lands but also elsewhere on occasion, are used as beasts of burden to carry supplies or weaponry across long distances, in a similar way to pack bulls, pack dolyaks and pack marmoxes.



See also: Category:Treants


  • Oakheart concept.

  • Rotting oakheart concept.

  • Pinesoul concept.

  • Render by Jason Juan.



Nightmare Creatures 2 Review

  • The formerly humanDruids of the Maguuma Jungle took on a treant-like appearance (specifically Willowheart) before becoming spectral guardians of the jungle.

Nightmare Creatures 2 Rom

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